

一針見血,直接挑缺點,降低花冤枉錢買次級品的機率。這邊有 PC World 指出的產品缺點,還有 TopTenReviews 編輯的毒舌。先看看攻擊性較低,PC World 的 Erik Lankin 說了什麼:

BitDefender's security suite offers good protection for a great price if you're willing to put up with a few interface annoyances.

『BitDefender 安全套件』 以特別便宜的價格,提供良好的保護,假如你再願意忍受一些操作介面上的困擾。

The Panda security suite covers all the bases with its features, and it scans quickly, but it lags behind some rivals at malware detection.

『Panda 安全套件』的特點涵蓋了全部的基本,而且它掃瞄迅速,但是偵測惡意軟體,它落後於一些敵手


A mix of pluses and minuses lands McAfee's security suite only in the middle of the pack.

優點與缺點的混合使『McAfee 安全套件』在中間地帶著地。

Avira's security suite is a good choice for more-technical users who want the best detection but don't need phone support or parental controls.

『Avira 安全套件』 對想要有最佳偵測,但是不需要電話技術支援或內容管制,技術傾向的使用者是一個好的選擇。


If Kaspersky wants to charge the highest price, its security suite should have the best protection and a smooth, intuitive interface. It doesn't.

假使 Kaspersky 要以最高的價格收費,它的『安全套件』必須有最佳的保護,和平穩、直覺的操作介面。但是它沒有。

F-Secure's suite has decent detection and a clear, informative interface, but other security packages offer stronger protection.

F-Secure 的『安全套件』有傳承的的偵測性,與一個清楚的、有資訊性的操作介面,但是其它『安全包』提供更強硬的保護。


Webroot's first foray into security suites needs some work--and better malware detection--before it becomes worthy of consideration.

Webroot 首次進入『安全套件』市場的突襲還需要多做點工--以及更好的惡意軟體偵測--在它值得考慮前。


Trend Micro's suite fails at the most basic task of detecting and blocking malicious software. Not recommended.



好了,現在可以擺開輕音樂,準備Rock'n Roll。即使文章是中英對照,Erik Lankin 只適合不需子彈的政治作戰(心戰),接下來我們可以看到 TopTenReviews 編輯要拿出機槍,展現火力。


ViRobot 5.5

The average user who wants to install and forget about the antivirus software should look into the Gold, Silver or Bronze products.
The scan time was a little higher average; it took 45 minutes to scan an 80 GB hard drive where the average was about 30 minutes.
Overall, there are better products for the same price.

一般的使用者想裝防毒軟體,忘記裝哪一套,他必須從 TopTenReviews 評選出的金牌、銀牌與銅牌產品中找找。
ViRobot 5.5 掃瞄時間比平均值還高一些;它用了45分鍾完成掃瞄80GB的硬碟,而平均值只有30分鍾。


PC Tools AntiVirus 5

This software doesn't offer as many features as the top-ranked products.
Its scanning process is very slow - much slower than the average scan time.
On average, PC Tools updates their virus definitions on a daily basis. Email contact reply after 6 days.

這套軟體提供的特色不如頂級排名的產品那麼多。掃瞄過程很慢- 比平均掃瞄時間慢了很多。
平均而言,PC Tools 更新病毒碼以每日為基準。電子郵件洽詢,六天後才回覆。(六天時間已足夠攻下埃及了)


AVAST! 4.8

You'll find two different interfaces, one for the average user and one for the more advanced user.
The simple interface has the look and feel similar to that of DVD player software. Unfortunately, it is difficult to use and navigate. The options are not labeled, with the exception of a pop-up description when you hover over a button.

The enhanced interface provides plenty of options to customize the program to fit your needs, however, it also suffers from oversimplification, especially regarding the buttons.

This software provides good protection with the on-demand scanner and the resident scanner, though these slow down the system while performing file transfers or opening programs.
You can contact customer support through email. They responded to ours within 36 hours.

你會發現兩個不同的操作介面(*),一個提供給一般使用者,一個給進階使用者。簡易操作介面的長相,感覺類似一個 DVD 播放軟體。不幸的是,它難以使用與操控。 功能選項未被標示,除了滑鼠滑過按鈕上有跳出式的說明。



* 黑手仔與你一樣,發現了第三個,就是程式設定  = =|||


Norman Antivirus and Antispyware 5.81

Unfortunately, it slowed down our test computer considerably while we were performing simple actions like surfing the web or taking screenshots.



CA Antivirus 2009

CA Antivirus 2009 is a solid virus scanner that works well to find and eliminate viruses. Unfortunately, this is all it can do. There are no extra features included with CA Antivirus beyond the bare minimums. In many cases, this could be considered an asset due to speed increases associated with many minimalist programs. CA doesn't take advantage of this in the 2009 version which still slows your computer down all around.

CA Antivirus 2009 是一個牢靠的掃毒軟體,尋找與消滅病毒,它運作得不錯。不幸的 (TopTenReviews的口頭禪 = =),這是它僅能做的。包含在 CA Antivirus 內的功能僅僅超出最低限度,沒有額外特別的功能。 在許多情況下,許多極簡化的程序能夠視為有利條件,因為與速度的增加有關聯。 CA 未在 2009 版本中取得這項優點,它仍然不斷的拖累你的電腦。


Norton AntiVirus 2009

The Norton scanning engine is one of the most complete on the market, but suffers from issues with system resource usage and overzealous integration with your computer that can cause freezing or simple hanging application.

it also has significant issues with slowing down computers that it is protecting. Symantec has done a lot to fix the slow down issues by reducing the amount of system resources used, but they still need to do more work to make the product a contender in the modern antivirus market.


CyberDefender Early Detection Center 2

Early Detection Center by CyberDefender is a decent program, and provides sufficient computer security. The software will help you protect your computer from a variety of malware, spam, and even phishing scams.
The security network is an impressive innovation, and has proved efficient and prompt. But overall the software was a bit lackluster and feature deficient in comparison with our higher ranked antivirus software. For even more impressive features and security, refer to our reviews of antivirus software from BitDefender, Kaspersky, and Webroot.

CyberDefender 早期預警中心是好樣的程式,而且提供充分的電腦安全。這軟體將幫你保護電腦遠離多樣化的惡意軟體,垃圾郵件,還有偷竊個人資料的釣魚犯罪。
安 全網路架構是一個令人印象深刻的創新,而且已經證實效力與敏捷。但是整體上這軟體有一點點失去光澤,而且缺乏功能特色,與更高排名的防毒軟體做比較下。要 得到更令人欽佩的功能特色與安全,就要參考 TopTenReviews 對於BitDefender、Kaspersky與 Webroot 的防毒軟體評論。

McAfee VirusScan 2009

We were disappointed with their email response time - it took 5 days to respond and they didn't answer all of our questions, hence the low rating.

TopTenReviews 對電子郵件回覆時間失望 - 花了5天的時間回應,而且沒有回答所有的問題,因此得到低分。


Trend Micro AntiVirus with AntiSpyware 2009
Automatic updates default to being done every 3 hours.
The only thing that keeps Trend Micro AntiVirus plus AntiSpyware from being a top 3 product is the severe slowdowns that can occur while performing seemingly unrelated tasks.

程式預設每3小時更新。『趨勢科技』 AntiVirus plus AntiSpyware 被排除在前三名的唯一因素是嚴重的拖累速度可能會發生,在執行似乎是無關聯的任務時。


F-Secure Anti-Virus 2009

While it isn't perfect, and does have issues with significant slowdowns while the on-access scanner is working, the overall product is effective.



Vipre Antivirus + Antispyware

Vipre Antivirus + Antispyware is a great security software solution with all the right features.
It’s not a typo, VIPRE stands for Virus Intrusion Protection Remediation Engine.

VIPRE不是拼錯字,是 Virus Intrusion Protection Remediation Engine (病毒侵入防衛矯正引擎) 的字首縮寫。


AVG Anti-Virus 8

Its free version is one of the most downloaded files on the Internet in the Computer Security sector.
It has been changed to make better use of the multiple cores which are common in todays computers. This should speed up scanning as well as reduce slowdowns.

AVG 8.0 免費版是網路上「電腦安全」類軟體中最多人下載之一。它已經被改造,對於今日最常見的多核心電腦做更加的使用。這應該可以加速掃瞄,降低重拖。







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『2009 最新防毒軟體排名』系列文章

主題1:世界知名實驗室 AV-Comparatives 防毒軟體測試報告
主題3:英文專業3C網站: TopTenReviews 年度評比 VS. PC World 年度評比





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